Northstar Fitness
Fitness Training + Transformational Coach
Welcome! I'm happy you're here. I am absolutely fascinated by human potential. We have the ability to radically transform our body, mind, and entire life’s trajectory. I devote my life to discovering keys that improve our experience and share them with people who not only want to “know” about their potential but take committed action to “realize” it. Join me on this exhilarating journey!
If my content speaks to you and you're interested in deeper conversation about personal transformation, overcoming obstacles, setting clear goals, improving your diet, mindset, health, and fitness or just getting clear on a strength training program, please consider joining me for a complimentary 60-minute Zoom session to explore any of these topics further. I’m not here to sell you my services. I'm here to help. Please click the link below and follow the directions inside:
私のコンテンツに共感し、自己変革、障害の克服、明確な目標の設定、食事、マインドセット、健康、フィットネスの改善、あるいは筋力トレーニング・プログラムの明確化について、より深い対話に興味を持たれた方は、これらをさらに掘り下げるために、60分間の無料Zoomセッションへの参加をご検討ください。 私のサービスを売り込みに来たのではありません。力になりたいのです。下のリンクをクリックし、フォームに記入してください:
- Training
- Fitness
- Lifestyle
- Bodybuilding
- Functionaltraining
- 巣鴨
- Personaltraining
- Personaltraininggym
- Bodymake
- Life
- Coaching