The English translation of this page is listed below, so please scroll down and read it.
日記 足元と服の備忘録 感情の殴り書き
宮廷22卒 服飾関係 日本語/中文/ENG/OK
フォロー非推奨 フォロバ・いいね返し不要
靴 靴下 服 創作 アニメ 漫画 小説 音楽 大正〜昭和レトロ 動物 スケボー 野球 ジェンダーレス ドラッグカルチャー サイケデリック オカルト ネットミーム
破滅願望 閉鎖病棟 アルコール オーバードーズ サディズム 火炎性愛 ヘマトフィリア ネグレクト育ち 鬱病 不安障害 パニック障害 ボーダー 睡眠障害
An account like the back of a flyer that only throws a lot of messages.
A diary/reminder of my feet and clothes/emotional blurbs
I'm a 21-year-old purple-haired beautiful girl who works in the clothing industry.
You don't need to follow me. You don't have to force a like back, and you don't have to follow back.
My favorite things⬇️
Shoes/socks/clothes/creation/anime/manga/novels/music/retro/animals (especially dogs)/skateboarding/baseball/genderless hairstyles and fashion/drug culture/psychedelic/occult/internet memes
⬇️My negative Temperament, Sexuality, and Experience
Suicidal ideation/Self-Injurious Behavior / alcohol / Overdose / antinatalism /sadism / pyrophilia / hematophilia / victim of neglect/ depression / anxiety disorder / panic disorder / personality disorder / sleep disorder
I have a mental disability certificate.
There are many things I dislike.
There is no end to the list, so I won't write about them here.
If you find this page even a little bit offensive, I recommend you browser back immediately!